Project Overview
The Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) is the independent accountability mechanism for IFC and MIGA, members of the World Bank Group. CAO needed an adaptable and versatile brand to launch with its Reflections from Practice series.
GRAPHEK designed a custom logo suite, palette, and report grid system that could be translated across all Dispute Resolution materials. The reports were designed to work online and in print for people working on disputes on the go.
The color palette and grid system work cohesively and provide flexibility for future reports. The logo colors shift from report to report with a tone-on-tone treatment, fostering a seamless document flow, while clean typography and color sidebars make the reports easy to scan and digest.
The Dispute Resolution (DR) branding was extended to other reports to maintain a consistent presence and tone across all platforms. The colors are earthy and rich, and the wave texture is carried through in subtle ways. The logo seal was adapted to represent DR as its own concept while complementing the Reflections from Practice series.
Bringing through the grid, texture, and colors from the DR branding, this report utilizes solid shapes balanced on one another to mirror the efforts taken to make actions more equitable with a gender-inclusive approach.
Maintaining consistency with the DR logo, color palette, and report interior layout, the design leverages a blueprint concept to highlight the planning that goes into the use of the toolkit.