NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program Branding and Website

Visual Branding | Microsite

Project Overview

The NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program developed a series of briefs on its scholarship and savings platform and needed a partner to create a strong look and feel for its resources and share the information online.

GRAPHEK partnered with NYC Kids RISE on a microsite that artfully showcased the briefs and video interviews with administrators, teachers, and parents from School District 30 to contextualize the briefs and communicate the import of the Save for College Program.


GRAPHEK created a distinct look and feel for the briefs that complements the NYC Kids RISE parent brand while bringing to life the program’s unique attributes and driving concepts of accessibility and ease. Each brief features deep purple and white alongside its own accent color to reflect its distinctive purpose.


To learn more about the program or read the full briefs, check out the Save for College Program website.